Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who is Michigan?

For about three weeks now different men have been texting and calling me asking the random, "what u doin'" and "whassup". When I reply that I don't know who they are, they ask me if I'm Michigan. I have no idea who this "Michigan" character is or why she (I assume she) is giving out my number to all these men.

My little theory is that Michigan is a fake name and some lady who wants to experience her wild side is going out under this name and then giving men her "fake" phone number when she departs...therefore leaving me to deal with all these poor guys calling for more...whatever.

The first guy who texted me told me that he must have left his "...wallet in the hotel room last night." He was nice enough to apologize for "getting the wrong number." "Phew," I thought. Thank goodness it's documented that it was a wrong number and my husband didn't happen to stumble upon that text! How would I explain that?

The next two guys, especially the last one, have insisted that I am Michigan. Neither apologized for getting the wrong number. Instead they continually call hoping that maybe some strange lady is actually answering Michigan's phone and that the true woman they were with will pick up one of these times. Ugh! So annoying!

Well, I am not moonlighting as "Michigan". And the woman behind the phone number that Michigan so freely gives out is getting tired of fielding her calls. So if you're Michigan, stop giving out my number! Find another "fake" number to give out.

Meanwhile, in my normal little life, my baby girl is growing everyday. She'll be seven months old on Saturday! Here's a picture of her on Mother's Day. My sweet girl.


Brandy said...

NOT ME! I am California....HAHAHAHA.

Jill Anderson said...

Today it got worse! This person (rude!) called and left me a nasty message. One would think that when he got my voicemail...he would realize it's someone else's phone he's calling!

Carolyn said...

call your phone company. complain about the harassment...they'll take care of it.

Jill Anderson said...

Thanks for the tip...I didn't know they could do anything about it.

What I did do was call one of my DPS friends. He said he'd call the guy for me. Hope that works!

Lydia said...

We get calls all the time for Anna Bauer. When we first moved here it didn't really bother us, but it's happened for FOUR years now, so I'm pretty sure Anna is still giving out this number. All the calls are from debt collectors, so I guess she's decided this is how to keep from paying. Yeah, when we signed up for library cards when we first moved here, she even had $60 owed to the library! Sheesh, lady! Can't you pay up to ANYone?

Hope these creepy guys quit calling you...and that Michigan gets better taste in men!

elizadoohicky said...

oops! sorry...didnt realize that was YOUR number...(I KID.) but I LOVE your awesome imagination about who she is and what she is up to!