You can be mad at each other, but never resist the temptation to call one another when something unusual, exciting or interesting happens. You can disagree on everything and still find a way to talk about anything. You can be complete opposites, living opposite lives, yet laugh over coffee at each others' stories of life trials and challenges.
I have three sisters. Two of whom I grew up with. One lives in Texas, one lives in Alabama, and one lives in Tennessee. The crazy thing is, when something dramatic happens to any of them, I can feel it.
We've lived together as children and adults. We've cried, laughed, shared, fought, played, slept, shopped, camped, and celebrated together. My life is filled with memories of sisters. Memories of weddings, paintball, four-wheeling in Alaska, great accomplishments, stealing ice cream from the freezer at night, playing Barbies after bedtime, and sitting around the burning trash can (a.k.a. the bonfire) talking about the day's activities.
There are times I'm so frustrated with them that I swear I'll never talk to them again, and then, two seconds later I realize my life wouldn't be complete without them. They'll always be my sisters.
Brittany (the Texas sister) and me at Thanksgiving.