I've only had my laptop for one year and one month. The thing crashed the other day. And guess what? The warranty was only for one year! Argh!
So, if anyone knows anyone locally that would be willing to take a look at my computer, I would be very grateful. Otherwise, I have to pay a $55 diagnostic fee for anyone to even look at it at one of the local computer repair shops.
I'm not sure what happened to it. I turned it off as usual the other day with nothing out of the ordinary happening. When I tried to turn it back on two days ago, there was a black screen with grey writing that said something about windows not being able to start.
So until the computer is fixed and happy, my blog posts will be less frequent. :( And I won't be able to download pictures or do other fun stuff like... accounting. Please help!
Do you have a Dell?
Did the black screen say something like "You have these options" and it listed three different ways to restart your computer, all of which didn't work? And did it have a 30 second count down that made you feel like it might explode at the end?
That's what happened to my computer at work last week. And the tech person had to reformat it. We lost all the documents, but the computer itself was saved.
Not sure that makes you feel any better....
OH NO! That's exactly what it said! Will I lose all my pictures too? :( Soft wimpering....
I hope not! I've called the lady at work who fixed mine ("fixed" in the sense that the whole thing didn't have to be replaced). I left a message, and hopefully she'll call back to tell me what she tried on mine.
Maybe there's a virus going around? Although, since mine was a work computer, and no one checks mail on it (I'm always on my laptop), that seems like it would be hard to do.... It just seems like a weird coincidence that I would know someone it happened to within a week of it happening to me.... Hm...
That reminds me, I really need to back up my thousands of pictures on my computer, as well. I would cry if I lost them.
I am no help... but I am so sorry to hear of your plight! I would be worthless without my laptop... esp since it's now my livelihood!
I've got an external hard drive now to put all my files on... mainly because I'm running out of space, but I guess it's good in case something happened to my computer, too.
Thanks for your help Lydia. :) I'll cross my fingers and toes hoping that I can save all my pictures, or I really will cry.
I've talked to some people at work, and it looks like you may be able to save your files, since we know from mine that the hard drive itself is salvageable. I've let Karen know a little more about it, and she said she would talk to you tonight.
Sweet! Thanks so much!!
Whoops, I forgot... remind me at one of the other three times I'll see you this weekend. :-)
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