Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh yeah...I'm 17 weeks!

I know, a little late. My 17-week mark was actually on Tuesday, but I don't seem to be on my normal schedule these days anyway.

What has happened this week? Well, I feel like my belly has definitely gotten noticeably bigger this week. I wonder if that’s what they mean by “popped”. I suddenly can’t even fit into my old underwear without them rolling down. Even my stretchy pants are stretched to the max. I didn’t think I’d have to buy maternity workout clothes, but I guess that time is soon approaching.

I also have more energy, which is exciting. I went to the grocery store, cleaned out my fridge, and did laundry this week! (Note – I wouldn’t even clean out my fridge when I wasn’t pregnant. It was strictly Sheldon’s job for fear I would gag and eventually throw up because of the smells of rotten food.) I’m not sure what was different this time.

Speaking of throwing up, I did that one day this week too. It was a random morning sickness day. Those have pretty much gone away except for when something – a smell, food, whatever – doesn’t sit right with me. Gross.

And my oven/stove is back in use! I can actually cook again without losing it. I thought that would never come back. Goodbye fast food dinners, hello home-cooked meals…ok, semi home-cooked meals, whatever works.

So what’s up with the baby? Here’s what BabyCenter says, “Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and he's around 5 inches long. He can move his joints, and his skeleton — until now rubbery cartilage — is starting to harden to bone. His sense of hearing is also developing. The umbilical cord, his lifeline to the placenta, is growing stronger and thicker.”

Oh, and we get to find out the gender of our little one Tuesday afternoon! Any predictions?


Lydia said...

I say a boy! Sheldon needs a wild little boy to play with. :)

I figured I wouldn't have to get too much maternity, since I'm at home and can wear stretchy yoga pants every day. What I forgot is that it's summer and I only have 1 pair of stretchy shorts. So, when I hit the "popped" stage I'm going to have to figure something out as well!

KarenD said...

I think boy, too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry ladies....I'm still pressing for the Girl!!!!

elizadoohicky said...

i bet girl.

sounds like you are NESTING. take full advantage of the urge to clean and organize, you will NEVER FEEL THIS AGAIN (until the next baby, maybe)

let us know!